Dr. Supratim Basu
Advisor - Technology and R&D.
Over 28 years experience in Power Electronics Research and EMI/EMC Compliance Issues. He has been associated with power electronics R&D since 1992 and has independently developed many converters and inverters. Presently he is managing director at Bose Research Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore, India and heads a research and development team of ten power electronics engineers. He also works as an independent power electronics consultant for many companies around the world.
He has published many technical papers in the area of power electronics including IEEE. His current research interests are power electronics applications to Renewable Energy and EMI/EMC. He is also associated with Aalborg University, Denmark, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland and NTNU, Norway for lecturing in EMI/EMC and Mosfet drive circuits. He has also presented many lectures on Power Electronics design for many industries in Europe and is also actively involved in developing lectures for large corporations for their internal training programs and training seminars. He chaired a Workshop and Panel discussion on EMI at the
European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2007, Aalborg, Denmark.
Supratim Basu received the B.E. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Birla Institute of
Technology, Mesra, India, in 1988 and the M.Tech. degree from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in
1992. He is received the Ph.D. degree from Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden in 2006 |