Meet us at Munich, GERMANY |
Neural with its proven track record in this business over 15 years and establishing itself as one among the TOP3 Layout design Houses in Bangalore with a vast experience of succesfully delivering over 3500+ designs, including multilayer highspeed designs (more than 50%), RF layouts, Mixed Signal Layouts catering to various Industry and Application Segments is a Value added Partners in the Customer Development Cycle meeting Customer timelines and Cost effectiveness. |
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Industry Needs
Value added partner who take up resposibility for delivering a functional and Defect free Layout Design on the First Go. |
Ability of the team become part of customer Hardware Development team by way of their process. |
Deliver the Output with minimum Customer Interaction and Understand Compleete Complexity of the Design at the requirement gathering Phase. |
Reciprocate with the Hardware development timelines. |
Hands on Experience with all Board, Interface related Issues. |
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What Neural Offers & bring to Customer Table
High Density, High Switching, Mixed Signal PCB Layout Designs |
Signal Integrity Analysis |
Thermal Analysis |
Library Management and Development |
Layout Analysis Services |
Proven and able team behind this who have delivered defect free ouputs on the first go - with high rate of returning customers for their new designs. |
Layout Design Process approved with Quality Management Systems as per ISO covering the aspects of review and varification and intermediate deliveries esuring Quality output. These aspects gel with Hardware Development process practiced throughout the world. |
Hands on Experience and ability to accurately visualize, analyze the technology related, density related complexities during Requiirement Gathering Phase itself. |
Experience with:
Micro-Via, Blind, buried Via Designs |
Various design Topologies: Star, Daisy Chain, FORCE and Sense |
Various Interfaces: PC-Card, SD, CF, DDR-II, SBSRAM, PCI-X, Multi-Giga bit Serial |
Expertise with Various Tool Options |
1. Cadence – Concept HDL
2. Cadence – Allegro
3. Cadence – Spectra Quest SI
4. Zuken Redac - CADSTAR.
5. Mentor Graphics -PADS - XE with HSD.
6. Hyper Lynx SI
7. Flo PCB and Flo Therm for Thermal Analysis
8. Altium |
Design Experience with Various Form Factors-PCI, PCIX, VME, PCI Mezanine,
cPCI, ATCA (Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture) Sta |
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IPC and IEEE |
Customer Specific Documentation Standards |
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Application Areas
Telecom - Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Optics Mux, STM |
GPS and custom RF communication |
Custom Embedded - PDA, Hand held devices |
Automotive - ECU, LAB Simulator |
Industrial PC Motherboards, BlueTooth, |